Exploring Educational Innovations

Friday, July 01, 2005

Web Quests

What is a Web Quest?
WebQuests are activities, using Internet resources, which encourage students to use higher order thinking skills. WebQuests are effectively higher order learning tools. - http://www.webquestdirect.com.au/whatis_awq.asp

The best way to find out is to explore the free workshop tutorial provided by Concept to Classroom. This site provides a truly comprehensive tutorial about the concept of Webquest and then moves on to demonstrate how it works, explore issues and support strategies, and key principles for implementing Webquests in classrooms.

OK, a bit of memory work here: There are six critical components which are found in Webquests:
  1. Introduction
  2. Task
  3. Process
  4. Resources (Key thoughts: Because resources are preselected by the teacher, students spend their time USING information, not LOOKING for it.
  5. Evaluation and
  6. Conclusion

Another site which provides brief summary of what webquests are and what their component parts comprise of is Kathy Shrock's Guide for Educators (Teacher Helpers: Slide Shows) . There is a slide show somewhere in the site about Webquests which is quite helpful.

Yet another site - a very excellent site - gives a great introduction of what Webquests are:
Of course, nothing beats the writings of the original designers of Webquests Bernie Dodge and Tom March. For articles about Webquests by them, go to Some Thoughts About WebQuests by Bernie Dodge. This is Dr. Bernie Dodge's original paper on WebQuests, which defines WebQuests and some of their characteristics. The other piece of literature is entitled WebQuests for Learning and is an introductory article about WebQuests written by Tom March, one of the first developers of WebQuests.


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